Our certified training courses will help you to understand the fundamental knowledge of the EZY Family products. These courses are specifically designed to help you gain understanding on how to get a split second, state-of-the-art, big picture view of your utility and subsequently push the limits of rentability while minimizing risks.

When using the EZY Family, you have the latest analytical tools to get to know your utility from inside out. Our industry experts teach you different possibilities on how to interpret the evaluated data in a way that you can draw valuable conclusions from it, change loads and locate errors efficiently.

The courses are dedicated to maximizing the effectiveness of your knowledge. You have access to our training resources, such as case studies, white papers, presentations and tutorials presenting you with a broad field of application.

Use our training as an opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas with other industry experts.”

We are hosting trainings in your region on a regular basis.

GO BEYOND - EZY Family devices allow you to analyze your data down to the moment, enabling a range of new possibilities to monitor and manage your utility.

With service centers on all continents and a worldwide network of sales partners, we are always close to you:

+43 (0) 7613 44974 - 0 office@go-ezy.com